Saturday, October 25, 2008

Scarecrow Cookies

For Talk to me Tuesday on they are looking for Halloween Ideas. Here is a link to check out all the great ideas!!
These are the cutest fall cookies I have ever seen! I found these on the family fun website So I made my own!! So don't go lookin at the picture on their wesite, They are much cuter than mine.
RECIPE INGREDIENTS:Cookies (ours were about 2 1/2 inches in diameter)White frostingAssorted sugar wafers (ours were about 2 1/2 inches long)Candy cornMini chocolate chipsBran cereal (we used Kellogg's All-Bran Extra Fiber)Chocolate sprinkles1. Frost the top of each cookie. 2. Cut a sugar wafer in half. Add a dollop of frosting to the top edge of the cookie and stick a wafer half to it for a hat top, as shown. 3. Place a whole sugar wafer just below the hat top for a brim. Use a little more frosting to decorate it with slices of candy corn or mini chocolate chips. 4. Press pieces of bran cereal hair into the frosting around the hat. 5. For the face, press on a candy corn nose, mini chocolate chip eyes, and a chocolate sprinkle stitched mouth.


  1. Wow, I'm so empressed. You are another Martha Stewart aren't you????

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have been going thru yours at some of back posts and have really enjoyed it,laughing at your daughter in her cowgirl boots and her dance dress, I LOVE it!!! Aren't kids just the greatest!!! Anywho, you have a nice blog and I enjoyed it, those hot dogs made me smile, too..and you also have great cards!!!

  3. Those are almost too cute to eat! Then again they combine a lot of my favorites so......YUMMY!!

  4. Found you on Tip Junkie, your cookies are adorable!

  5. What a darling idea! I will have to keep this in mind. I found you through tipjunkie!

  6. those are adorable! glad to be visiting from tip junkie :)
