Sunday, March 1, 2009

I can't wait till Spring!!

All-Star Blooms
Hydrangeas & Grape Hyacinths
I found these pretty Spring Centerpieces on Better Homes and Gardens Website. There are tons of really neat ideas to make your table look great for Spring.


  1. These are very pretty!

    I have a question regarding one of your earlier posts.....where did you find the metal for your recipe holder that you made for your open house? What was the metal called? Did they cut it for you? Thanks!

    BTW...I enjoy your blog. Very cute ideas :o)

  2. Thanks for the nice comment:) I got the metal at Home Depot in a huge sheet and my husband cut it up for me. You can buy 5x7 sheets already cut in the roofing section. Good Luck!

  3. They are beautiful, thanks for sharing!
