Monday, May 4, 2009

Learning to Quilt..

I have taken on a new Hobby.. I am trying to learn to Quilt. Here is a Baby Quilt I made from a kit from Joanns. I really enjoyed every minute of it. My Husband bought me a new sewing Machine about 2 years ago and I hadn't even taken it out of the box. So now I am going to use it!!


  1. I thinkyou did a wonderful job. I want to learn how to quilt but I don't know where to start.

  2. Good for you...I wish I could sew. Your quilt is awesome!

  3. Great job! Enjoy the new hobby.

    I've started following you. I love all the crafts and stuff here.

  4. I was happy to offer you a blog award on my is th link to check it out

  5. You have a good hubby, well a great hubby. He always keeps up with your crafty plans....Cute quilt granny.

  6. That it exciting! I'm happy for you! I got the bug a couple of years ago and have been hooked eversince! My husband also surprised me with a sewing machine! I love to make quilts, I love FABRIC! Watch out, it's so addicting! I love your quilt, I can't wait to see all of your creations!
    Welcome to a fun and creative addiction! =)
    Happy Mothers Day!
