Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Notes by Clint G. Cox

I would like to tell everyone about a very special book I received in our Ornament Swap..
 Christmas Notes by Clint G. Cox.
I generally don't take the time to sit down and read.. I'm usually multitasking and doing several things at a time.. But I was totally enthralled with this book! The way the Author describes the characters in great detail & sets the scene in amazing. I felt as if I was right there with them throughout the story! Here is a little bit about the Author: Clint G. Cox is a Plumber by trade that has severe Dyslexia. He is a motivational Speaker & has been featured on Disney Radio. Most of Christmas Notes was wrote on cut up two by fours and ripped up cardboard while he was on the job site..He was inspired to write the book when He was buried in paper work from the four businesses he owned back in 2009. When two weeks before Christmas his 8 year old daughter came up to him and said she was not that excited about the holiday. He knew it was his fault! He had not even taken the time to put up Christmas lights. That night the story line was formed for all three books. Christmas Notes has been ranked with Richard Paul Evens, and Glenn Becks' Christmas Books in the Deseret News this last week under new novels for the season.

If you are interested in purchasing Christmas Notes you can get free shipping throughout the month of December through the Authors Website.. These would make Fabulous gifts for your Family, Friends, Neighbors & Coworkers ;)

1 comment:

  1. I have personally read the book and don't read much myself, but this is one to take the time and read. Well worth every minute that I spent a a great book to remind you the true reason of the season.
